Hi there. Haven’t done an ‚about me‘ yet. So I’m gonna do it now. My name is Andrea and I quite like the 2 ‚as‘ in my name. However almost no one calls me by my proper name, so unfortunately there are no ‚as‘ in Ändri. As my birthday is in June, the 20th, I’m a gemini. Yet, I don’t believe so much in Zodiac signs bc I know a lot of people who I share my sign with and they are completely different to me.I’m a real lefty and there’s nothing at all I do with the right hand. Havin 2 younger and 1 older sister, I’m a true sandwich child (I’m still working through some of the pain that caused me growing up). My parents + my sisters are my besties and I’m really blessed to have many more super-duper friends. For now, I live in Magdeburg and after almost 30 decades of living in big flat-/houseshares, I decided to live by myself (thinking about changing that). Originally I’m from the very South of Germany but I lived a good couple of years up North in Germany and abroad/ in London. My ❤ beats for Great Britain, I just LOVE the language (or the culture in general) and if a man speaks the language of the queen, I’m very likely to fall for him/ My longer stays abroad changed my personality incredibly bc I used to be extremely shy + timid and now I’d say I’m an open-minded + self-confident person. Due to my job as a teacher I have the chance to influence youngsters for the good. So I constantly advise them to go abroad for a while. // Contrary to popular belief I don’t watch strictly what I eat. Food is sth nice and that’s why I’m a soul foodie. I absolutely LOVE cats. Besides, I’m very much into everything that has sth to do with art. My fave colours are delicate & dusky pink (you can really tell, can’t you?!) and burnt yellow.

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